who’s behind this project?
the health foundation
The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about health and health care for people in the UK.
Our aim is a healthier population, supported by high quality health care that can be equitably accessed. From giving grants to those working at the front line to carrying out research and policy analysis, we shine a light on how to make successful change happen. We use what we know works on the ground to inform effective policymaking and vice versa.
We believe good health and health care are key to a flourishing society. Through sharing what we learn, collaborating with others and building people’s skills and knowledge, we aim to make a difference and contribute to a healthier population.
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Empathy museum
Empathy Museum is an experiential arts space dedicated to helping us all look at the world through other people’s eyes. Using the power of dialogue and storytelling it explores how to view life from the perspective of other people in order to transform personal relationships, help tackle global challenges and open up the public conversation around empathy.
We tour our work both in the UK and internationally. This project is part of A Mile in My Shoes, our ever-growing diverse collection of shoes and stories from people all over the world.
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