Book 0188

The Shadow Of The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Donated by Christine B, who says...

reading of the consequences of Daniel Sempere’s discovery of a forgotten novel, titled The Shadow Of The Wind, kept me up all night. Wanting to know more by the author, Julian Carax, Daniel discovers that he wrote little, sold less and is now dead – but that someone is buying all copies of his work and burning them. Daniel’s own life will have some parallels with Carax’s. And he will discover that the past is far from over. Set in the febrile atmosphere of revolutionary Barcelona, the tensions build and the action reaches a devastating, yet satisfying, conclusion. When I had finished it and re-read the final chapters and stopped crying, I took it to my friend and said, “Whatever you’re reading, stop it and read this.” And I say the same to you now.

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