Do you know the best way to survive an apocalypse, how to heal a lovers’ quarrel, or remove that pesky stain?  Tell us! We’re all ears.


If I Were You is a place to contribute and receive advice on all sorts of topics – from love and sex to DIY and boredom, from dealing with anxiety or grief, to parenting, cutting hair or poaching an egg. It’s a space to share our collective wisdom about the world, a field guide to living now at a time when we need it most.

With politicians floundering, experts doubted, and plenty of our own issues, what advice can we share among each other about anything and everything, large or small, niche or broad? We’re asking anyone and everyone to give their ultimate advice – and receive someone else’s in return. So come whisper your most sage words into the giant ear, have your photo taken to display on our wall, and take a copy home with you. Or give it to a friend – you never know when they might need it!



2nd – 4th December 2021, Leeds Kirkgate Market

19th – 27th November 2022, Compass Festival, Leeds

22nd Sept – 29th Oct 2023, Empathy Museum’s shop takeover, London

…and more to come soon!