Book 0239
The Gunslinger (Book 1 of The Dark Tower series) by Stephen King
Donated by Anthoula, who says...
It is simply extraordinary. I’ve never been more absorbed or immersed by a story. So captivated by the characters. This is book 1 of 7 and I do hope that you will go on the whole journey. It took Stephen King 22 years to complete the series and I remember how insanely excited I was when I finally got my hands on the final book (The Dark Tower) more than 15 years after I had read book 1 (The Gunslinger). The ending (the final ending in book 7) is, in my opinion, an absolute masterpiece – the ending to end all endings! – and made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. ‘The Gunslinger’ is the beginning of an incredible journey. Jump in and don’t look back!