Book 0066

The Dog Stars by Peter Heller

Donated by Lawrence Norfolk, who says...

It’s a post-apocalyptic love story featuring flying and long-range sharp-shooting. It’s quite odd. I picked it up by chance in Jackson, Mississippi and a month later found myself having breakfast (by chance) with the author in Perth, Australia. He built his own house somewhere remote in Colorado and this book is really about making a home for yourself. And staying there.

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  1. I really enjoyed this book! It took me a while to get into, but I’m so glad I did. It takes you on a great emotional journey alongside Big Hig, as he navigates his way around a post-apocalyptic world.
    It’s a story about travel and making connections in unlikely places, so it is very fitting to be in such a project! I left it with a lovely waitress in Krakow, and I hope she and future readers enjoy this book as much as I did.

  2. I loved this booked. I quickly became immersed in the world that Peter Heller creates. His writing style added more layers to the atmosphere of the story and I sped through it.
    Deep humanity courses through the often alien, but oh-so-close, experiences and I felt every bit of the journey that Hig was on.
    It made me both scared and hopeful of our future. Which is comforting somehow.
    I will be sending it to someone I met at a meditation retreat a few weeks ago. I think she’ll find it interesting and I hope she’ll enjoy it as much as I did.