Book 0131

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

Donated by Dawn, who says...

I liked this book from start to finish. You are there right in the book. It also made me understand about arranged marriages and the plight of two women up against religion and culture. It’s a book that allows you to grasp the war in Kabul. Things going on in my own life made me feel even more a part of the book.

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  1. I had read this book once before but didn’t remember it until a few pages in … the heartbreak and heartache of struggles in this modern day world are so prominent even now – Syria a war-torn place with innocent people, women abused because of religion and sexism.

    The unity between 2 females leading miserable lives through misfortune find love and respect and hope.

  2. A book I had read before but this time it seemed to amplify what was going on in the world – innocent people and misfortunes that no human being in the 21st century should experience. The friendship between two women was powerful and showed that love and respect and unity can have small victories sometimes